A Letter to My Kids’ Teachers


Dear Mr. or Ms. Badass,

Yeah, I know that’s not really your name, but I’m calling you that. Because you, my friend, are amazing. Wait, that doesn’t do your amazingness justice. You, are SOOO F’ING AMAAAAAZINGGGGGG!!!!!!

Yeah, I know I probably shouldn’t curse to my kid’s teacher, so give me a detention or suspend me or whatever you want to do about it, but I’m done pussy-footing around. I mean I run into you at school or in the carpool line and I’m all tongue-tied like a love-struck pubescent boy and you probably think I don’t have vocal chords or something, but I actually do. I’m just a mom who is speechless with gratitude.

I mean let’s just talk about what you do for a minute. You watch other people’s crotchfruit allllllll day long. Yeah, like WE had sex, WE got knocked up, WE brought some little a-holes into this world, but YOU take care of them more hours in the day than WE do. Seriously, I just did the math. Unless you’re Michelle Duggar, taking care of TWENTY little kids all day is pretty much akin to Chinese water torture, only instead of drops of water dripping on your face over and over again until your forehead looks like a donut, you’re bombarded with snot and boogers and lice and drool and annoying questions and if their fingers aren’t up their nose to the second knuckle, their hands are up their shorts doing God knows what to some other orifice. And even after all that, you still love the little boogersnots and take care of them better than their own parents do half the time.

Like when Zoey comes down the stairs in the morning wearing polkadot pants with striped legwarmers with a furry vest over a red silk kimono, here’s what goes through my head: WTF are you wearing? But here’s what you say: Wow, look at that kid’s fierce independence. And either you truly believe it or you’re such a good actor YOU should be giving Jack Nicholson acting lessons.

And speaking of the arts, you tell me all about this amazing picture Holden drew at the art table and how it’s so awesome and how I should definitely frame it and you are so full of praise you clearly think my kiddo is a future Picasso. And then he takes it out of his folder to show me and it’s a piece of paper with a line on it, like it looks like he accidentally hit a piece of paper with a crayon. Like you could give a starfish a crayon and he would do the same thing. But you really truly genuinely think it’s awesome.


And then Holden has to put the drawing back into his folder and the folder back into his backpack and you stand there watching and watching and watching like you have allllllll afternoon and he can take as much time as he needs to get it in there, while in my head I’m screaming, “Oh for the love of Gawdddd, just shove the F’ing folder into the F’ing backpack so we can leave already!!!!” And then when he finally finishes you’re like, “Good job, buddy, see you tomorrow.” And I’m like, “It is tomorrow. That’s how long we’ve been standing here waiting for him.” Anyways, you….. are…… so….. patient….. it…… never…… ceases….. to……..amaze……me.

But I guess you have to be when you’re constantly waiting for twenty kids to go to the potty and wash their hands and eat their snacks and put their jackets on and put their backpacks away, etc etc etc. It’s a miracle you have time to teach them anything. And yet every day they come home and they’ve learned something new about math or reading or Modigliani or ovapurous oviporus oviparous animals (I still don’t know WTF this is).

So thank you. Thank you for loving my children. Thank you for thinking they’re awesome. Thank you for dealing with the shit that comes out of their orifices, literally and figuratively. Thank you for doing it all for way too little compensation. Thank you for making them smarter. Thank you for making them smarter than me. Sorry, than I. Yeah, my own Mr. or Ms. Badass taught me that a long time ago.

Love and kisses,

A mom who worships the ground you walk on

Teachers are F’ing AWESOME, so don’t forget to like this and share it with your favorite teachers!! And check out my new book I Want My Epidural Back!! This is just ONE of FIFTY-FIVE chapters in it. Plus, a crapload of hilarious pictures and quips to make you laugh. Available in hardcover and eBook in these places and everywhere books are sold!! Plus, if you click on this link, you can order a FREE bookplate with my signature to go in your new book!! Yayyyy!!!


There are 9 comments for this article
  1. Randi Sanders at 12:21 pm

    From a teacher, this is TRULY an awesome letter!!!!! xo

  2. Ashley at 1:09 pm

    As a mom and a teacher, I love, love, LOVE this letter! Thanks so much for the appreciation and the laughter!

  3. Lori Bobula at 1:14 pm

    1. Awesome letter.
    2. Oviparous- animal that lays eggs.

  4. Kay at 1:22 pm

    <3<3 Thank you for the love. We truly enjoy and treasure most of our precious babies (I teach middle school- It's impossible to love them ALL) and are honored to spend time with the most important people in your lives.

  5. Emme at 2:07 pm

    oviparous… female animals that lay eggs on the outside of their body to hatch babies?

  6. Heather at 7:31 pm

    I’m a preschool teacher and mother of two toddlers, and this is an awesome letter! Just bought the book can’t wait to read it

  7. Kim at 9:10 pm

    Thank you for your hilariousness! As a teacher (and a parent) who has been losing her patience lately, it’s parents like you who make our jobs better! Thanks for the laughs, and even a slight tear on this one!

  8. Stacy at 6:49 am

    From a First Grade Teacher and mom of 4…..thank you for the kind words and laughter!

  9. Andrea at 3:11 am

    Can I just say I love you? I happened upon this page thru Facebook, at the end of a very hard day, and you just made me laugh so hard I think I set my pants. I don’t even have kids – well, human kids. Mine have 4 legs, and can legally be crated when I need a break – but you have found a fan for life.