Mom-Judge me all you want, just don’t mom-shame me

Mom-Judge me all you want, just don’t mom-shame me

Dear other moms, Okay, so here’s the thing. Feel free to judge me all you want. Judge me when you see me in the grocery store filling my cart with a crapload of sugary cereals. Judge me for losing it and yelling at my kids every other morning because they won’t get their shoes on.

Together we can change the world one awesome kiddo at a time

Together we can change the world one awesome kiddo at a time

This is a very special post. And I’m warning you in advance that it’s not funny. Not funny at all. In fact, it’s kinda sad. It started a couple of years ago when Zoey and I were driving somewhere and she said… ZOEY: I wish we had a bigger house.

Justice Gift Card Official Rules

*”Justice Gift Card” SWEEPSTAKES OFFICIAL RULES *NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW ELIGIBILITY:The “Justice Gift Card” Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia…

Your house has lice, WTF do you do

Your house has lice, WTF do you do

Awwwww shit, your kid is scratching her head. So you take a little peek in her hair and yup, only one word comes to mind. Shitfuckcrapdamnmotherfuckingcocksuckerbunghole. What’s that Merriam Webster? That’s not a real word? To hell it’s not. When your house get lice, let’s see if you can find any word in your dictionary…

How I stopped my son from becoming the next Jeffrey Dahmer

How I stopped my son from becoming the next Jeffrey Dahmer

So Holden has been pushing every boundary he can lately. And last week he pushed one that was just not okay. Not okay at all. It started one morning when he was dilly-dallying and not getting ready for camp. I mean how hard can it be to do the same F’ing thing you do every…

The totally awesome list of KICKASS Mom stuff you don’t want to miss

The totally awesome list of KICKASS Mom stuff you don’t want to miss

I am not a fashionista or a makeup artist or a lifestyle expert. I am a NORMAL REGULAR BORING Mom who doesn’t have 9 hours every morning to contour my cheekbones. And I don’t wear high-waisted pants because they’re “in style.” I wear them because no one wants to see my butt crack when I bend…

Kickass Mom Stuff Official Rules

*”Kickass Mom Stuff” SWEEPSTAKES OFFICIAL RULES *NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW ELIGIBILITY:The “Kickass Mom Stuff” Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia…

How to actually SAVE money when you go to Disney, like for realz

How to actually SAVE money when you go to Disney, like for realz

Wait, what?!! Is it seriously possible to go to Disney and spend LESS money than you thought you would spend? If you asked me this two weeks ago, I would have said bwhahahahaha, no. But then at the end of our trip to Disney World, this is what happened. I was checking out of our…