Oh man was Zoey pissed at me this weekend and I can’t say I blame her

Oh man was Zoey pissed at me this weekend and I can’t say I blame her

Do you ever mess up with your kid’s schedule? Because I pulled a doozie (doozy??) this weekend. Like you accidentally forget about an activity and you schedule a play date at the same time or you totally forget to bring your kid to a birthday party and don’t realize until afterward? You’re sitting there chilling…

Bigger kids bigger problems, awwww crap here we go

Bigger kids bigger problems, awwww crap here we go

You know when you’re sitting in the roller coaster and it pulls away from the station and you get this feel like awww crap, here we go? Yup, that feeling. I mean I’ve heard older parents say it a million times, “Bigger kids bigger problems,” but you don’t really know WTF they’re talking about until…

Dear mom who’s going back to work after maternity leave

Dear mom who’s going back to work after maternity leave

  Dear mom who’s going back to work after maternity leave, Congratulations, you’re going back!! You’re an independent woman who’s not letting any pipsqueak baby stop you from being a breadwinner. You must feel amazing! Wait, what? Are you crying? Awwww, don’t cry. You’re gonna love being back at your job. I mean just think…

Ten things I REALLY want on our next family vacation

Ten things I REALLY want on our next family vacation

  1. I want my hubby to do all the packing. And if he forgets some stuff, oh well. Guess I’m going on a big-ass shopping spree. 2. I want the airlines to bump us all up to first class. And by “us” I mean, all the moms on the flight. 3. I want our…

Wait ’til you hear about how bad my night sucked

Wait ’til you hear about how bad my night sucked

Okay, let’s play a game. It’s called “whose night sucked the most?” Like maybe your kid woke you up four times in the middle of the night, or maybe your rugrat had the stomach bug and splatter-painted your shins with vomit, or maybe your hubby came home drunk and decided to wake you out of…

How to talk to your kid when their pet is dying

How to talk to your kid when their pet is dying

Okay, so I should probably look this stuff up online and see if the professionals have any suggestions, but that would take time and honestly, this all kind of happened spur of the moment and I had to talk to Zoey about it right away. So here’s what happened. ZOEY: Mommmmmm!!! MOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

Oh Zoey, I’m just so sorry someone did that to you

Oh Zoey, I’m just so sorry someone did that to you

Well, this sucks. A lot. Poor Zoey is pretty upset about what happened and I don’t blame her one single bit. I mean usually I’m the first one to tell my kids to buck up and shake it off and make lemonade and shit, but this time it’s harder. Lemme start at the beginning. So…