Do you have a hubby that doesn’t finish projects around the house? (sponsored by ARS/Rescue Rooter!!)
So I have a question for all the hetero wives out there. Has your husband ever said he’d finish a project in the house and didn’t do it? Or half did it? Or literally went out and bought all the supplies for it and then left them in the bag for YEARS?
Like how long does it take to put up a new house in our neighborhood?
1 year
And how long does it take my hubby to put a new stopper in my kids’ bathroom sink?
And I’m sure there are men reading this and thinking, “Hey, what about all the projects my WIFE hasn’t finished?!” Oh yeah? Show me. I’d lovvvve to see if your wife has unachieved what my husband has. So without further ado, I now present to you an itty-bity fraction of my hubby’s UNachievements around the house!!!!

Our garage is still a cluttered mess. Apparently, buying this thing doesn’t actually work unless you hang it. Who knew?!

He decided to repaint the baseboards. Wait, my mistake, he decided to repaint HALF the baseboards. Look closely.
Speaking of husbands, I’d like to introduce you guys to my future husband who actually finishes projects around my house. Freddie from ARS/Rescue Rooter of Illinois!!!!
And yes, this is sponsored, but it’s short and worth reading because I had no idea that tuning up your air conditioner can SAVE you MONEY!!! I called ARS/Rescue Rooter to do our air conditioning tune-up and they sent Freddie right over. He didn’t sit around watching hockey or playing his guitar like someone I know. He got right to work on tuning up and cleaning our HVAC system, while my hubby watched so he can do it himself next time. Bwhahahaha.
Apparently, dirty heating and cooling equipment has to work way harder to suck the warm air from your house, so it takes more energy to do not as good a job. Here in Chicago, the winters are freezing and the summers can get scorching. Our HVAC needs to breathe in order to work properly throughout the year. I had no idea! Look how well Freddie cleaned ours!
If you don’t tune it up, you could be spending more money on energy AND your house won’t be as cool in the summer. And ARS/Rescue Rooter also works on furnaces and heating systems, performs plumbing services, insulation and electrical too. I love the idea of having all those things done by one home service company. Click here to see if they do work in your area.
Annnd back to our regularly scheduled programming… my hubby and his UNachievements!

He complained about lying on the dirty floor for this picture. I’m like oh, maybe you should try that power washer you bought 7 years ago.
So there you go. And if you’re thinking I shouldn’t complain because I’m totally capable of starting/finishing these projects myself? Yes, I am. VERY capable. But the point is not that I CAN do them. It’s that he said he would. Or started to. Or is lying on the couch right now watching hockey through his closed eyelids.
Oh well, at least our HVAC system is ready for the coming season. Thanks ARS/Rescue Rooter!!! Now if you could just let me know if Freddie is single.
Jusssst kidding. I could never leave this goofball.
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Lol. I quilt and do crafts, sooooo, can’t be throwing that stone! 😉 But, on the other hand, nice to have that chore off the list, isn’t it! Hubby looks like a good sport, and they are awfully hard to train, so might as well keep him.
I can totally relate! Unfortunately I cannot put it all on my husband though. 🤣
If a man says he will fix it he will, you don’t have to remind him every 6 months.