How to explain what a “period” is to your son (and why you SHOULD)

How to explain what a “period” is to your son (and why you SHOULD)

So the other day I asked my hubby to unpack our suitcase and bring it to the basement and he REFUSED to touch my wrapped unused tampons. I probably should be annoyed by his immaturity, but honestly I was able to shrug it off because other than this minor flaw, I think of my hubby…

5 Days in San Diego: a totally kickass family vacation

5 Days in San Diego: a totally kickass family vacation

  Ooooh, maybe we should go to Mexico for spring break. (looks at prices) Wha-WHAT??!!!! We could buy a small island for that airfare!! So I started brainstorming. And researching. And asking around. Once my mind was swarming with ideas and I was completely and utterly overwhelmed, I was like whatever, I’m just booking something.…

A drunk leprechaun trashed Zoey’s room, at least I think he did

A drunk leprechaun trashed Zoey’s room, at least I think he did

So last week around Monday or Tuesday, Zoey was getting ready for St. Patrick’s Day. Yes, a whole week in advance (insert eye-roll emjoi here). She had already picked out an all-green outfit and put out a pile of coins and Lucky Charms marshmallows to lure in a leprechaun because she wanted the leprechaun to…

I am just a Muslim mom (and I am probably a lot like you)

I am just a Muslim mom (and I am probably a lot like you)

This weekend I was sifting through my inbox and I came across a message that made me want to respond. Really respond. It was from a woman named Amber who said she feels scared and alone. Her message was a response to the New Zealand shooting. She is Muslim.

Momo is NOT real, but I’ll tell you what is

Momo is NOT real, but I’ll tell you what is

Okay, so I know I’m always late to the game, but have you heard of Momo? I just heard about her. She’s this freaky girl who supposedly flashes up spontaneously while your kid is watching YouTube Kids and then tells them to go do harmful things to themselves. Yikes!!!! At first I avoided looking Momo…

Should I keep writing this blog? And other things I think about at 3am

Should I keep writing this blog? And other things I think about at 3am

Last night I woke up at like 3 in the morning and I started stressing about everything. Things always seem worse in the middle of the night. My brain was rapid firing like a million anxieties. What am I going to pack in the kids’ lunches? Don’t forget to call the plumber tomorrow. I can’t…

The great dessert standoff— who will win?!!

The great dessert standoff— who will win?!!

It all started at dinner last night. Zoey was at improv class so it was just me, my hubby and Holden, only Holden was acting super whiney and complained he had a headache. ME: I’ll turn the music down, buddy. HOLDEN: No! No music at all!!

Luke Perry died and a bit of my childhood went with him

Luke Perry died and a bit of my childhood went with him

February 21, 1991 My alarm clock goes off for the third time and this time I don’t push snooze. I open my eyes and I’m staring at a poster of The Cure straight above me. My entire room is literally covered in posters wall-to-wall because my mom lets me put thumbtacks anywhere I want. The…

There are the popular girls and there are the “popular” girls

There are the popular girls and there are the “popular” girls

Uggghhhh, here we go. So lately Zoey has started using the word “popular.” I mean I always knew it would come up at some point, but I didn’t know it’d be in the 4th grade. ZOEY: She’s one of the popular girls, Mom. ME: The popular girls? What does that mean?