How I turned my pipe dream into my piping dream

How I turned my pipe dream into my piping dream

Back at the beginning of all this pandemic shit (pardon my French but I think we all know curse words are very much in order these days), I was like WTF do I do with all my time stuck at home? At first I did a crapload of puzzles, but once I got sick of…

How to have a Virtual Disney World Day!!! (things to do during Covid)

How to have a Virtual Disney World Day!!! (things to do during Covid)

KIDS: Mom, can you play with us? Ugggghhhh, no, for the love of God, pleeeease don’t make me play anymore. I’ve played LEGOs, I’ve played marble maze, I’ve played Monopoly Junior, I’ve played dress-up. Seriously, people, I am going bOnKeRs. And yes, I know there are people reading this right now who are like, “Oh…

School ended. And so did my daughter’s social life.

School ended. And so did my daughter’s social life.

Craccccck. You know what that’s the sound of? My heart breaking. Yup, like I’m pretty sure even the neighbors heard it. Wanna know why? Because I was being a diligent parent and checking through Zoey’s text messages. After remote learning started last week, I told her why don’t you reach out to some of your…

The Totally Kickass Amazing Awesome 2020 Gift Guide

The Totally Kickass Amazing Awesome 2020 Gift Guide

Guess what time it is?!!! It’s time for the Totally Kickass Amazing Awesome 2020 Gift Guide!!!! Where I’ve done all the hard work so you can just sit on your lazy bum, click click click and look like a hero this holiday. You’re welcome. Every picture is clickable and will take you straight to where…

Who wants to see my living room transformation?!

Who wants to see my living room transformation?!

Wanna know why I started this blog ten years ago? Because everyone else was doing it. I kid you not. I was like, oh no, I can’t be the only mom who doesn’t have a blog, so I started one. Yup, I’m a follower, not a leader. And yes, Mom, if everyone else jumped off…

Want to see Holden’s new kickass Harry Potter bedroom?!

Want to see Holden’s new kickass Harry Potter bedroom?!

I’ve redone Zoey’s room like nine times, but I’ve never done Holden’s. Wanna know why? Because I love her more. Nahhhh, just kidding. But seriously it’s because Holden doesn’t give a crap. He was perfectly happy with the boring brown room we painted when he was a baby. But guess what he asked for for…

Holy smokes, I’m officially a professional cake decorator!!!!

Holy smokes, I’m officially a professional cake decorator!!!!

So the other day I got a phone call from a friend, and I’m thinking, that’s weird, why is she calling me and not texting? Oh no, it must be an emergency!! So I pick up my phone and don’t even say hello…  ME: What’s wrong? MY FRIEND: I have a question for you.