Daily Harvest Official Sweepstakes Rules

*”Daily Harvest” SWEEPSTAKES OFFICIAL RULES *NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW ELIGIBILITY:The “Daily Harvest” Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) continental United States and the District of Columbia (void…

The Week Junior Official Sweepstakes Rules

*”The Week Junior” SWEEPSTAKES OFFICIAL RULES *NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW ELIGIBILITY:The “The Week Junior” Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) continental United States and the District of…

How to magically make your kid LOVE reading (sponsored by The Week Junior!!)

How to magically make your kid LOVE reading (sponsored by The Week Junior!!)

Both of my kids used to suck at reading. Yup. Even Zoey. But now the light seeps under her door at night because she’s “sneaking books” past bedtime. And Holden? He was even worse at reading. Which made him sad, frustrated, embarrassed, unconfident,  etc., etc., etc. And it broke my heart. But recently something crazy…

The TOTALLY AMAZING AWESOMEST Gift Guide of 2021!!!!

The TOTALLY AMAZING AWESOMEST Gift Guide of 2021!!!!

If you’re anything like me, you’re freaking out right now because every time you turn on the news they show us a crapload of ships that are sitting right off the coast, and they’re like “better get your holiday shopping done early.” And you’re like I am getting my holiday shopping done… for Halloween!!!! It’s…

Social media could kill your daughter, literally

Social media could kill your daughter, literally

I have a question. Do you let your kids smoke cigarettes? If you’re anything like me, your answer is hell no. But I heard something the other day and it made me stop and think. “Social media is the new smoking, and it’s an addiction.”

What is the perfect age to take your kiddos to Disney World?

What is the perfect age to take your kiddos to Disney World?

So the other day I was talking to Holden about the first time we went to Disney World, and he didn’t remember a thing. N.O.T.H.I.N.G. I meannnn, are you kidding me?!!! We spent like 9 million dollars on a hotel and tickets and the Happily Ever After Dessert party, and not because we wanted to…

Junior High: The Ten Rules of Friendship

Junior High: The Ten Rules of Friendship

Dear daughter, I’m gonna be honest with you. Junior high sucks. Yup, I am not going to b.s. you and tell you it’s all hunky dory and a bowlful of rainbow cherries. Basically it’s like walking through the prison courtyard every day in your orange jumpsuit trying to figure out which group of inmates isn’t…