How to decorate your kid’s locker CHEAPLY and still make it look badass

How to decorate your kid’s locker CHEAPLY and still make it look badass

So every year I arrive at school for “meet the teacher” and it’s the same thing. A ton of moms show up with their giant Container Store bags full of fancy shit to decorate their daughter’s lockers. And this year was no different. I watched multiple moms deck out their kids’ lockers with wallpaper, carpeting, mirrors, twinkle lights,…

Dear Amy Schumer, here’s another reason you F’ing rock

Dear Amy Schumer, here’s another reason you F’ing rock

  Dear Amy Schumer, So last week we went on vacation. Nothing fancy. Just a place that’s driving distance so I can over-pack twice as much crap as we need into my disgusting minivan, and avoid the TSA lines because TSA lines with kids is basically like traveling to hell to get an enema with tobasco…

Ten different kinds of playdates your kid might have over

Ten different kinds of playdates your kid might have over

Play dates are AWESOME… if (and this is a BIG if) IF the kid plays nicely with your kid without too much intervention. Because some kids are super easy and you’re able to get shit done around the house while they play, but some kids make your life a living hell until they leave and you…

Ooh ooh ooh, what class is YOUR kid in?!!!

Ooh ooh ooh, what class is YOUR kid in?!!!

Ding!! Ding ding!! Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!!! Holy crap, WHAT is going on? Why the heck is my phone going crazy and getting flooded with text messages? Seriously, I put it down for 14 seconds in the other room and now there are 74 messages. I wish I were kidding.…

Yo People magazine, wanna see what REAL people eat in a day?

Yo People magazine, wanna see what REAL people eat in a day?

So back in the day before I had kids, I used to read semi-intellectual stuff. The New York Times, JD Salinger books, other things that I can’t remember because my brain is fried. But nowadays, I read fun shit. Like People magazine. Yup, pretty much every day I get a good case of the FIBS (Fake Irritable Bowel Syndrome)…

Rules I HOPE my son will follow when he starts dating

Rules I HOPE my son will follow when he starts dating

Okay little buddy. You know how you’re always saying you want to marry me? Well, if anything ever happens to your Daddy, I’m all about it. But let’s just say things go according to plan and your Daddy and I both grow old together until he has one of those saggy old men butts and…

It’s the Mommy Game!!!

It’s the Mommy Game!!!

Step right up, step right up and play the newest game on the market– The Mommy Game!! It’s fun, it’s therapeutic, and best of all, it’s free!!! How to play… Every time someone says Mommy, take a drink. Every time you have to use someone’s middle name, take a drink. Every time someone says wipe…

Dear teenage boy, I’m about to shove your lead foot up your you-know-what

Dear teenage boy, I’m about to shove your lead foot up your you-know-what

  Dear A-hole, I know you think you are sooooo cool. Or dope. Or badass. Or whatever word the teenagers are using these days. But let me tell you something. You are the complete OPPOSITE of cool. Why on earth would you think driving a million miles per hour down a residential street is impressing anyone?…